2024 Geodetic Engineering Board Exam Coverage

Geodetic Engineering Board Exam Coverage

What is Geodetic Engineering in the Philippines?

The practice of Geodetic Engineering is a professional act of gathering and processing of physical data on the surface of the earth with the use of various precision instruments and equipment and presenting them on graphs, plans, maps, charts or documents. The scope of work for Geodetic Engineers includes, but is not limited to the folllowing:

  • Use of surveying and mapping equipment
  • Horizontal and vertical control surveys and political boundary surveys
  • Land surveying, preparation, making of sketch and submission of lot and location plans, subdivision and/or consolidation of titled properties
  • Conduction of engineering surveys and the technical preparation of engineering survey plans such as topographic, hydrographic, tidal, profile, cross section, construction and boundary surveys
  • Parcellary surveys of lands
  • Conduction of gravimetric and photogrammetric survey and the technical preparation of such survey plans
  • Survey and mapping works
  • Conduction of mineral and mining surveys
  • Installation of machineries requiring the use of precision instruments
  • Engagement in the transfer of the knowledge and technology of geodetic engineering in any institution of learning
(Article 1, Section 2 of RA. 8560)

What is the Geodetic Engineers Licensure Examination?

A person who seeks to be certified and practice the profession as Geodetic Engineer needs to take the licensure exam and pass it. The PRC conducts the board exam twice a year usually on August and October. In order to be admitted in the examination, the applicant shall meet the minimum requirements as prescribed by the Board:

  • A citizen of the Philippines
  • A graduated of Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering from a duly recognized school, academy, institute or college.

To pass the board exam, the applicant must have obtained a weighted general average rating of 70% with no grade lower than 55% in any given subject. However, if the applicant got a lower grade than 55% in any given subject/s but obtained a general rating of 70% or above, they may retake the said subject where they obtained a below 55% rating.

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What is the scope of the Geodetic Engineering licensure exam?

The Geodetic Engineering board exam scope and coverage basically encompasses the subjects required to effectively practice the profession. The subjects are divided into the following with each weighted rating:

Laws, Rules and Regulations - 20%

  1. Public Land Laws and Natural Resources
  2. Laws on Property
  3. Land Reform Laws
  4. Land Registration Laws on Obligations and Contracts
  5. Professional and Ethical Practice
  6. Rules and Regulations Governing Land Surveying

Mathematics - 20%

  1. Algebra
  2. Solid Geometry
  3. Analytical Geometry
  4. Engineering Economics
  5. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
  6. Differential and Integral Calculus
  7. Engineering Mechanics
  8. Least Squares

Theory and Practice of Surveying - 20%

  1. Property Surveying
  2. Isolated, Mineral and Mining Surveys
  3. Cadastral Land Surveying
  4. Astronomy
  5. Route Surveys and Earthworks
  6. Hydrographic and Topographic Surveying
  7. Photogrammetry
  8. Engineering Surveys
  9. Construction Surveying

Geodesy - 20%

  1. Geodetic Surveying
  2. Geodetic Astronomy
  3. Geodetic Triangulation
  4. Geodetic Leveling
  5. Gravity Measurement
  6. Least Squares

Cartography - 20%

  1. Plotting and Mapping of Isolated, Mineral, Cadastral, Hydrographic and Photogrammetric Surveys
  2. Map Projection

Do you have any questions about the Geodetic Engineering Board Exam? Comment it down below!


  1. How many items all in all?

    1. i think it's 100 for each subject

    2. Does all the questions per subjects in the exam have multiple choices?

    3. Hi, all items in the board exams are multiple choices.

  2. Are numbers from each subjects are sorted by greater chances to show in exams?

    1. No available Table of Specifications for Geodetic Engineering Board Exams. Will post it here if I got the details.

  3. how many items are there in every subject?

  4. can a civil engineering graduate take?

  5. hi, any update for 2022 GE board exam coverage?thanks

  6. Any update when is the next ge board exam? Tnx🙂

  7. I'm Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Graduate, can i Take GE Licensure Exam?

  8. Omg, mathematics

  9. What calculators are allowed to be used this Geodetic Engineering Board Examination 2024?

  10. mapapalitan po ba yun coverage ngayong 2024?


  12. I'm a Civil Engineer. Can I take GELE? If not, what will I need to do to take the GELE?

  13. may i know if graduated in 2008 can possible to tke exam this year..

  14. same coverage lang po ba sa 2025?


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